.... AND I'M BACK!
On Tuesday we took a trip to a local medieval town. It was literally BOILING. Stepping out of the cool, air conditioned car I felt as though I had walked straight into a blazing fire. Although the rest of my family weren't too keen I was LOVING the heat.
We weren't actually there for that long in the end but it was really nice to go somewhere new and have a look around. The town had been restored really well. It was SO busy and most of the people there were English tourists. It was so weird hearing people around us speaking English as where we are located in Agde, there are barely any English people.

That night I had one of THE BEST dinners that I have had during the whole holiday. Although it doesn't look particularly appetising, this Salmon in pastry with brousse cheese was DELICIOUS.
Also, I have always liked ratatouille and around here it seems to be a particular favourite as it comes with pretty much any meal you order (not that I am complaining)! I am definitely going to bring out the domestic goddess within me and rustle some up when I go back to uni!
I also did a bit of catching up on True Blood yesterday whilst I had nothing to do. I am so glad that my flatmate, Mark, introduced me to it. It is so good and SO addictive. Definitely go and watch it if you've never seen it before!
It makes me sad to think that we only have two more days left here in Agde. Time seems to have gone stupidly quickly! Although I am looking forward to going home and catching up with my friends, it's been nice to spend some time with my family. Usually I am hardly ever at home so it's been good to actually spend some quality time together (especially as I go back to uni in a few weeks).
Today we ventured to the beach again as we wanted to make the most of the sun before we return home to cold, rainy England. The beach was really quiet again, and there was a slight breeze which was nice as it meant we didn't feel like we were literally frying in the heat! I'm hoping that I will look brown to everyone when I go back home but I'm not really sure how tanned I am to be honest... Sometimes I think I've really caught the sun, and others I feel as though I haven't changed colour at all!
Tonight we went out for a lovely meal. Myself and my mum shared a paella which was delicious (and HUGE)! We were stuffed once we'd finished it (although obviously we did squeeze in a pudding)!
After dinner we strolled up the road a little and watched a jazz band for a while. Obviously when it came to ordering our drinks I went for the 'daily desperados' as I've started calling it!
When we got back obviously a game of UNO was in order, but first dad and I had to go and buy the chocolate as it had been demanded for by a particular someone haha. I didn't win any games tonight though which made me SAD.
That's all really. Now you are up to date YAY.
I think that we might be off out somewhere in the car tomorrow but god knows what we'll actually end up doing...
Hope you are all well!!
Becmo xo
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