Saturday, 25 August 2012

#17 Home again!


I am finally back at home and as expected the weather is far from pleasant! 

Yesterday when the landlord came to pick up the keys he turned up with the cutest little dog ever! It looked so happy and AWWWW. I am so jealous of anyone who owns any of the following: a cat, dog or rabbit. I reaaaaallllllllly want a pet but apparently they are 'too much hassle' so I'm going to have to wait until I move out WAH. 
All packed and ready to go home :(
Such a cutesy!
The traffic was awful on the way to the airport but we arrived in Montpellier in plenty of time. Once we had checked in we asked at the information desk whether or not there was anywhere to get food past security, the answer was yes. This was in fact wrong. We were STARVING so after going through security we had to go all the way back out and get food. 

I know it's not to everyone's taste BUT I can't get enough of the double denim! 
We then had to go through security for the second time and wait for our plane. Luckily we didn't have TOO long to wait and we were first to board so obviously we opted for the seats with extra leg room. I got really into my book on the plane and Doug and I treated ourselves to a Starbucks. 
It was so depressing stepping off the plane into the cold air - but what did we expect, this is England after all.  We picked up a snack from M&S (I LOVE the packing of their products) and then caught a bus to go and pick up our car. 
I highly recommend this - IT WAS DELICIOUS.
It didn't take too long to get home. It was so nice to get into my bed! Although it was FREEZING and trying to sleep proved to be very difficult. I can't decide what is worse, trying to sleep when it's boiling hot or when it is absolutely freezing! Before I got into bed however I did have to cheekily order a bag from Select (I couldn't risk it going out of stock)! But I will tell you more about that when it has arrived! 

I've been in such a rush today! Despite taking ages to get to sleep I did sleep very well being back in my bed so I didn't wake up until 12ish. Then my friend, Hannah came over for a catch up. Now the day seems to be disappearing very rapidly and I have so much to do! I wanted to get this blog post done now though instead of holding it off for ages! 

I hope you are all well! 

Becmo xo 

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