Tuesday, 14 August 2012

#7 France: Day 2

Hello again!

It’s been a few days now since my last post, so I thought that as I’m currently being lazy and not doing anything, that I would use this opportunity to fill you in on what I have been up to! 

Sunday was a bit of a lazy day really. We were all shattered as we’d missed a nights sleep on Friday due to last minute packing/traveling. So most of that day was spent sleeping and being generally lazy. We did however make it out for dinner. Due to the (lack of) hairdryer DISASTER I took a deep breath and braved the natural curls. I didn’t think that it looked as bad as I was expecting, however the breeze didn’t exactly do it any favours. If my hair wasn’t prone to going stupidly frizzy then I would brave this look more often. So if anyone knows of any products (that actually work) that help to reduce frizz let me know!

The highlight of my Sunday has to have been indulging in my first creme brûlée of the holiday! Since trying my first creme brûlée they have definitely been something I really look forward to when going on holiday. If you’ve never tried one, YOU’RE MISSING OUT - they are delicious! 

My brother and I also watched the Olympics closing ceremony on Sunday. The TV signal wasn't amazing though, so Doug had to resort to holding the box above the TV which was quite funny for me but annoying for him! 

We missed the first half but what I saw of it I really enjoyed! I really liked the stage design. Obviously a particular highlight for me was seeing the Spice Girls perform. The childhood memories came flooding in seeing them on stage! I am extremely jealous of anyone who was there in the audience! I didn't really watch that much of the Olympics but now I'm wishing that I had! Obviously the Paraolympics are still to come. Personally I don't think that the closing ceremony should be held until the Paraolympics are over too. 

  I was going to combine both Sunday and Monday within this post but I've written more than I expected so I will do a separate post for Monday now :) 

Becmo xo

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