Tuesday 12 August 2014

#54 A Little Life Catch Up

Good Afternoon!

I am currently on a plane to Milan as I write this (not to rub it in or anything ;)) as I am spending the next 2 weeks in Lake Como with my family. I was hoping to schedule some posts for whilst I am away but life snuck in and got in the way, so sadly I haven't had time to. I do have some planned though and will hopefully get them up whilst I'm away, so keep your eyes peeled! I am having to write/post them via my iPhone so I'm HOPING the formatting will be okay! 

I'm sure I'll be taking lots of snaps whilst I'm away so make sure you follow my on Twitter (@becamorton) and Instagram (@becamorton)! 

As I'm flying away for 2 weeks of chaos and adventure (we always get ourselves in... Interesting situations!) I thought I'd share what I've been up to over the last week - this is a lifestyle blog after all. 

Pub Trip - living in the country there isn't always a lot to do, so a good old pub trip is a frequent activity. It's always nice to catch up with friends over a drink (gin and tonics are my current fave). My good friend Alice has just left for Vietnam and I am away for a couple of weeks now, so it was nice to see each other before we all flew away all over the place. 

Bath - Going on holiday is always a good excuse to go shopping, so last week Doug, Mum and I went to bath to get some odd bits and bobs (details to follow). We went to Carluccios for lunch which was divine - I particularly recommend their venison tortellini! Other than good food and multiple purchases, we also came across a 'crazy pigeon man' who pigeons seemed to flock to... He was also putting pigeons on people... It was all very weird and not up my street at all, haha. 

Santa Pod - My dad is an avid lover of vintage cars, owning a Riley 9 Special himself. So on Thursday we all went to Santa pod to watch him compete in a drag race whilst mum was marshalling on the start line. It was a small event but nice to spend some time all together.

Reunion - it's been almost 2 months since I waved goodbye to my Southampton home which I shared with my favourite people. So last weekend I invited everyone over for the weekend for a taste of the country and a BBQ. Sadly the weather wasn't great but we powered through which the BBQ anyway (thank god for garages). I also took everyone to a couple of local pubs, obviously. It was really nice to catch up with everyone, I'm missing them all already!

So that's basically what I've been up to recently! 


1 comment:

  1. <3 youre my favourite
    Also I love your white crop top... I want your wardrobe basically.

    Al xxxx
